
terça-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2011

Unreal Script – Bots podem te ferir

Ever played a game of Unreal Tournament? Notice how the bots manage to shoot and kill you? Pretty essential behaviour for a game really – being able to kill, and be killed by, your enemies. For a while developing my game I had enemies who could be killed, but couldn’t use the weapons that I had provided them. As it turns out, this was an issue with my Weapon class, only pawns that were controlled by my PlayerController:

simulated function StartFire(byte FireModeNum)
local PlayerController plr;
plr = PlayerController(Instigator.Controller);

if(plr == none || bIsReloading) //You can't shoot while reloading

if(DuraCount > 0)

After a helpful post on the UDK forums by Blade[UG], I was pointed in the right direction, which was as simple as creating a new weapon specifically for bots, extending UTWeapon, rather than my ZombiesWeapon class. This weapon doesn’t have any extra functions happening in it, only the setting up of the models. In order to assign the correct weapons to our pawns, we need to do the following in our GameInfo class:

function AddDefaultInventory( pawn PlayerPawn )
local int i;

//Is the pawn a "Human" or a "Zombie"
if (PlayerPawn.IsA('ZO_PAWN_Base') )
//Humans get a gun and a knife (and fists)
//Zombies don't get a "weapon" per-se, they do get fists though... woo

for (i=0; i {
// Ensure we don't give duplicate items
if (PlayerPawn.FindInventoryType( DefaultInventory[i] ) == None)
// Only activate the first weapon
PlayerPawn.CreateInventory(DefaultInventory[i], (i > 0));


Once this is done, I simply re-compiled the game and gave it a bit of a test. The only issue that I’m having at the moment is that the Zombie likes to try and attack you from far away, while only using their fists. Also, I’m able to headshot them from sniper distance while using a pistol, which hardly seems fair…

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