
sexta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2011

Unreal University: UDK Overview

The Unreal Development Kit (UDK), Epic Games' free edition of Unreal Engine 3, has been installed by more than 1,000,000 developers. Powering independent games like "Hawken" and "Sanctum" for PC, and "The Dark Meadow" and "Save Our Sheep" for iOS, its feature set continues to evolve in preparation for the next generation of games. Epic has continued to release major new functionality and improvements to the Unreal Development Kit, with many important new features introduced in recent months. Anyone can check out the Unreal Engine tools for free at

Unreal University is an academic initiative sponsored by Epic Games and Autodesk to offer professional, hands-on guidance to those interested in using its award-winning Unreal Engine 3 (UE3) technology, including the Unreal Development Kit (UDK). Sessions are free, and topics include level design best practices, mobile game development tips and tricks, and more.

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