
segunda-feira, 2 de abril de 2012

Básico dos Básicos - UDK Tutorial Game Design Series

In this video I cover the basics of the series and what I'm going to be covering.

First video of the game design series show you how to make your own game with unreal development kit by XstreamTech, new video every week on a Tuesday make sure you check back regularly

In this video I talk about what unreal development kit is and I show you how to download and install the software.

Second video of the game design series show you how to make your own game with unreal development kit by XstreamTech, new video every week on a Tuesday make sure you check back regularly

In this video I go over the user interface and explain what each element of it does.

Third video of the game design series show you how to make your own game with unreal development kit by XstreamTech, new video every week on a Tuesday make sure you check back regularly

I explain what a terrain is and how to make one, And adjust it to your game...

Fourth video of the game design series show you how to make your own game with unreal development kit by XstreamTech, new video every week on a Tuesday make sure you check back regularly

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