Básico dos Básicos - UDK Tutorial Game Design Series 4
thirteenth video of the game design series show you how to make your own game with unreal development kit by XstreamTech, new video every week on a Tuesday make sure you check back regularly...
in this video i explain the basics of matinee and explain the different elements of matinee and show you how to get a pre rigged skeletal mesh moving along with showing you how to make standard static meshes move with triggers...
fourteenth video of the game design series show you how to make your own game with unreal development kit by XstreamTech, new video every week on a Tuesday make sure you check back regularly
In this video I Show you the different elements of a cinematic and show you how to make them in matinee and how to work with cinematic mode in kismet.
fourteenth video of the game design series show you how to make your own game with unreal development kit by XstreamTech, new video every week on a Tuesday make sure you check back regularly
In this video I show you how to model a tree in the Speedtree modeller and show you how to export it to UDK with the Speedtree compiler and i show you how to add materials to the tree the correct way and show you the basics of how to use foliage mode in UDK with static meshes...
sixteenth video of the game design series show you how to make your own game with unreal development kit by XstreamTech, new video every week on a Tuesday make sure you check back regularly
In this video I show you how to use particle systems/emitters in unreal development kit in matinee and show you the basics of toggling them on and off and how they can be used with the transformation tools...
seventeenth video of the game design series show you how to make your own game with unreal development kit by XstreamTech, new video every week on a Tuesday make sure you check back regularly
In this video i cover the basics of adjusting the camera to your different gaming style for example third person, third person and show the basics of commands and how to find them in the udkimput file located in the UDK directory.
seventeenth video of the game design series show you how to make your own game with unreal development kit by XstreamTech, new video every week on a Tuesday make sure you check back regularly
In this video i show you the basics of putting sounds into UDK, Also i explain the different types of sounds such as toggle able and looping, Also i show you how to make sound cues and triggered sound sequences in matinee.
nineteenth video of the game design series show you how to make your own game with unreal development kit by XstreamTech, new video every week on a Tuesday make sure you check back regularly
In this video i go over the unreal front end software by epic games and show you how to use it to package your game ready for distribution and I also show you have to chance your games splash screen...
twentieth video of the game design series show you how to make your own game with unreal development kit by XstreamTech, new video every week on a Tuesday make sure you check back regularly
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