Unreal Script - Advanced Lighting (continued)
The few niggles with the old system finally got to, and wore me down. After spending a bit of time on a few improvements, I now have lights with a persistent state, so you can leave your light on and switch weapons without artifacts being left behind – and it’s really dead simple.
Two lines in the code are identical:
bLightEnabled = false;
These two lines need to be deleted, and the following block added:
simulated state WeaponPuttingDown
simulated function BeginState( Name PreviousStateName )
local UTPlayerController PC;
PC = UTPlayerController(Instigator.Controller);
if (PC != None && LocalPlayer(PC.Player) != none )
bWeaponPutDown = false;
simulated function EndState(Name NextStateName)
if (SkeletalMeshComponent(Mesh) == none || WeaponEquipAnim == '')
simulated function Activate();
* @returns false if the weapon isn't ready to be fired. For example, if it's in the Inactive/WeaponPuttingDown states.
simulated function bool bReadyToFire()
return false;
During the development, there was a slight issue where the light wouldn’t turn on until you had switched away, and then back to your weapon – This was a simple matter of the Flashlight object not being spawned, and the addFlashlight function has been modified accordingly:
simulated function addFlashlight()
PlayWeaponAnimation('reload', 1.0);
WorldInfo.Game.Broadcast(self, "Light removed");
bLight = false;
PlayWeaponAnimation('reload', 1.0);
WorldInfo.Game.Broadcast(self, "Light added");
Flashlight = Spawn(class'ZO_WATT_Light', self);
bLight = true;
I managed to surprise myself at how simple this was after walking away from it for a little bit and coming back with a set of fresh eyes.
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