
terça-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2011

Unreal Script - Building better Weapons

Last night I had a bit of a talk about how someone had made a gun you can attach a silencer and scope and everything else to, and that their source code was available. In the short time that I’ve been awake this morning, I’ve managed to adapt this into my own application. I have used their guns, as quite simply everything was already set up, animated and textured, which for someone who is more of a coder than an artist is probably a good thing.

Anyhow, here is the result of what I got up to:

Having had a look at how PROOF had his code set up, it appears that the only lines I may have been missing came from my weapon class under the addFlashlight function:

simulated function addFlashlight()
WorldInfo.Game.Broadcast(self, "Light removed");
PlayWeaponAnimation( 'SupOFF', 2.0 );

bLight = false;
WorldInfo.Game.Broadcast(self, "Light added");
PlayWeaponAnimation( 'SupON', 2.0 );

Flashlight = Spawn(class'ZO_WATT_Light', self);
bLight = true;

It all looks very simple, but was definitely the source of a few hours of head scratching to make it all happen. Big thanks to PROOF at for releasing his code to the public domain, as it has definitely pointed me where I need to be pointed for this one. Next on the list is to actually make my own guns with various attachments – so stay tuned!

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